I-Chieh Tseng (´¿©É¼ä),
¢i Position Assistant
¢i Education
2005.09 ~ 2013.06 Doctor of Philosophy, Graduate Institute of Life Sciences
National Defense Medical Center
2001.09 ~ 2003.06 Master of Science, Institute of Genetics
National Yang Ming University
1997.09 ~ 2001.06 Bachelor of Science, Department of Life Sciences
National Cheng Kung University
& Professional Experience
2019.02~present Assistant
Professor, Department of Life Science, Chinese Culture University
2016.01 ~ 2019.01 Postdoctoral Research Fellow,
Institute of Plant and Microbial Biology,
Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan
2014.08 ~ 2015.12 Postdoctoral Research Fellow,
International Rice Functional Genomics
Research Center, National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan
2004.09 ~ 2005.06 Research Assistant,
Institute of Plant and Microbial Biology,
Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan
-Journal Articles
Tseng, I-C, Wang C-L, Lin M-C, Yu, S-M and Ho, T-H D. Rice stress-induced proline-rich proteins confer drought tolerance through preventing water loss and enhancing water use efficiency under water deficit. Manuscript in preparation.
Tseng, I-C, Hong, C-Y, Yu, S-M, and Ho, T-H D (2013) Abscisic acid- and stress- induced highly proline-rich glycoproteins regulate root growth in rice. Plant Physiology, 163, 118-134.
Chen, W. H., Tseng, I. C., Tsai, W. C., Chiang, M. S., Chen, Y. H., Chen, H. H. (2006) AFLP fingerprinting and conversion to STS markers for identification of Oncidium cultivars. Journal of Horticulture Science and Biotechnology, 81, 791-796.
-Conference presentation
Tseng I-Chieh, Hong, Chwan-Yang and Ho Tuan-Hua David (2013, Jul). Role of a novel ABA/stress regulated highly proline-rich glycoprotein with PX1PX2 motifs in mediating root growth in rice. Plant Biology 2013, Providence, Rhode Island.
Tseng I-Chieh, Hong Chwan-Yang and Ho Tuan-Hua David (2012, Nov). Role of ABA/stress regulated OsRePRP genes in mediating growth in rice plants. 10th International Symposium on Rice Functional Genomics, Chiang mai, Thailand.
Tseng I-Chieh, Hong Chwan-Yang and Ho Tuan-Hua David (2010, Jul). Role of ABA/stress regulated OsRePRP genes in mediating growth in rice plants. Plant Biology 2010, Montreal, Canada.
Hong Chwan-Yang, Tseng I-Chieh, Yu Su-May and Ho Tuan-hua David (2005, Jul). Design and construction of novel promoters for controlling expression of transgenes in plants. Plant Biology 2005.
-Patent application
1. Inventors: Tuan-Hua David Ho, I-Chieh Tseng, Su-May Yu,
Topics: Method for improving stress tolerance of plants
United States patent application (#15923288) in progress (2018, June)