Liao C.-C., Chang C.-R., Wang J.-C. 2018. Regeneration of woody plants along topographic gradient in subtropical evergreen broadleaved forests in Taiwan. Taiwania 63: 292-304. (SCI)
Kobayashi S, Denda T, Liao C-C, Placksanoi J, Waengsothorn S, Aryuthaka C, Panha S, Izawa M. 2018. Regional differences in mammalian pollinators of Mucuna macrocarpa (Leguminosae): a review. Tropical Natural History 18: 135-145.
Kobayashi S, Denda T, Liao C-C, Lin Y-H, Liu W-T, Izawa M. 2018. Comparison of visitors and pollinators of Mucuna macrocarpa between urban and forest environments. Mammal Study 43. (SCI)
Kobayashi, S., T. Denda, C. C. Liao, Y. H. Lin, S. H. Wu, M. Izawa. 2018. Floral traits of mammal-pollinated Mucuna macrocarpa (Fabaceae): implications for generalist-like pollination systems. Ecology and Evolution 8: 8607-8615. (SCI)
Liao, C. C. and C.-H. Chen. 2017. Investigation of floristic similarities between Taiwan and terrestrial ecoregions in Asia using GBIF data. Botanical Studies 58(1): 15. (SCI)
Kobayashi, S., T. Denda, C. C. Liao, S. H. Wu, Y. H. Lin, I. Masako. 2016. Squirrel pollination of Mucuna macrocarpa (Fabaceae) in Taiwan. Journal of Mammalogy: 98(2) 533-541. (SCI)
Liao, C. C. and M. H. Su. 2015. Confirmation of the existence of Eurya japonica Thunb. (Pentaphylacaceae) in Taiwan. Taiwan Journal of Forest Science 30(2): 139-146. (EI)
Liao, C. C., Chang, C. R., Hsu, M. T., Poo, W. K. 2014. Experimental evaluation of the sustainability of dwarf bamboo (Pseudosasa usawai) sprout-harvesting practices in Yangminshan National Park, Taiwan. Environmental Management 54: 320-330. (SCI)
Liao C. C., Liu, M, Su, M. H., Wang, J. C. 2014. Compression and overlap of unique vegetation system of subtropical mountain resembling tropical and temperate forests along elevation. Journal of Forest Research 19: 215-225. (SCI)
Liu, M., Y. L. Lin, X. R. Chen, C. C. Liao, and W. K. Poo. 2013. In vitro assessment of Macleaya cordata crude extract bioactivity and anticancer properties in normal and cancerous human lung cells. Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology 65(6): 775-757. (SCI)
Liao, Chi-Cheng, Shih-Chieh Kuo, and Chi-Ru Chang. 2012. Forest distribution on small isolated hills and implication on woody plant distribution under threats of global warming. Taiwania 57(3): 242-250.
Wei-Chun Chao, Guo-Zhang M. Song, Kuo-Jung Chao, Chi-Cheng Liao, Su-Wei Fan, Shan-Huah Wu, Tsung-Hsin Hsieh, I-Fang Sun, Yau-Lun Kuo, and Chang-Fu Hsieh. 2010. Lowland rainforests in southern Taiwan and Lanyu, at the northern border of Paleotropics and under the influence of monsoon wind. Plant Ecology 210:1-17.
廖啟政,陳怡加。2015。台灣殼斗科植物多樣性與鄰近地區的關係及其在東亞地區的地理分布。臺灣生物多樣性研究,17(3): 205-221。
Liao, Chi Cheng 2015. Origin of species richness and migration routes of angiosperms in Taiwan from the neighboring ecoregions in Asia. International Symposium: Towards collaborative field-research on life and environments in East Asia. (Japan) 2015年12月
Kobayashi S., Denda T., Liao C. C., Lin Y. H., Nakamoto A. Izawa M. 2015. Pollination partners on chiropterophilous-like Mucuna macrocarpa. The 3rd International Southeast Asian Bat Conference. 2015年8月.
Kobayashi S., Denda T., Liao C. C., Lin Y. H., Mashiba S., Doi T., Iwamoto T., Izawa M. 2015. Comparison of the nectar-feeding behavior of pollination partners on Mucuna macrocarpa (Fabaceae) flowers among three islands. 5th IWMC, Sapporo (Japan). 2015 年 6 月。
Mihiri P. and Chi-Cheng Liao. 2012. Effects of short distance dispersal on the properties of endemic flora in a continental island proved by Apiaceae. 第十三屆海峽兩岸三地環境資源與生態保育學術研討會(花蓮)2012年6月。
Mihiri P. Gamlath, Chi-Cheng Liao and Yea-Chung Ding. 2012. Appling new digital earth concept to create a digital geo-library based on road side vegetation for Yanmingshan Virtual National Park. 第八屆數位地球國際研討會(台北)2012年5月。
林昱伶 、陳炫任 、廖啓政、劉銘. 2012. Differential in vitro cytoxic effects of Macleaya cordata crude extract on normal and carcinomic human lung cells A549 and MRC5。第27屆生物醫學聯合學術年會 (台北)2012年 3月。
廖啟政、劉銘、蘇夢淮、王震哲. 2012. Vegetation zonation, plant diversity and biogerography along altitudinal gradient of subtropical montane in humid monsoon Asia. 2012年動物行為、生態與全球變遷研討會(台北), 2012年 1月。
張蓓茹、徐夢婷、廖啓政. 2012. 亞熱帶低山丘陵為何形成森林界限. 2012年動物行為、生態與全球變遷研討會(台北)2012年 1月。
林昱伶、陳炫任、廖啓政、劉銘. 2012. Crude extract of Macleaya cordata exerts differential cytotoxic effects on normal and carcinomic human lung cells in vitro。2012年動物行為、生態與全球變遷研討會(台北)2012年 1月。
廖啓政. 2011. 陽明山國家公園包籜矢竹物候及採筍效應之研究。陽明山國家公園99年度委託研究保育計畫成果發表會(台北)2011年3月。
Liao, Chi-Cheng, Jenn-Che Wang, and Fu-Lin Kuo. 2011. Topographic effects on regeneration traits and woody plant investment on sprouts and seedlings in subtropical monsoon evergreen broadleaf forests. 2011 年台灣植物分類學會年會暨植物多樣性與系統分類研討會(台北)2011年3月。
陳嘉芬、郭世杰、蕭淑玲、廖啓政、李載鳴. 2010. 人為干擾對於鳥類多樣性長期變動趨勢的影響—以雲林離島工業區為例. 第七屆數位地球國際研討會(台北)2010年5月。
Liao, Chi-Cheng, Pei-Yu, Wu, and Mia Hsu. 2010. The Collecting Effects of Artificial Disturbance on The Dwarf Bamboo (Arundinaria usawai) in Yangmingshan National Park. 第七屆數位地球國際研討會 (台北)2010年5月
陳嘉芬、郭世杰、蕭淑玲、廖啓政、李載鳴. 2010. 工業區開發對鄰近濱海地區兩棲與爬蟲類長期族群動態之影響。第六屆數位地球國際研討會 (台北)2008年5月。 |